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Custom NEI Plugins by GWYOG

A forge mod which allows players to make custom NEI plugins by writing json files.

Custom NPC Bullets by ivynm, MCreator

Custom NPC Spawner by Jaredlll08

copies folders.

Custom NPC Tweaks by austinv11

A tweak mod for CustomNPCs

Custom Nausea by C4

Allows modifying the strength of the Nausea screen effect, plus additional options.

Custom Ore Generation by JRoush, noogenesis

Allows the player to customize how ore is generated.

Custom Ore Generation: First Revival by JRoush, noogenesis

Allows the player to customize how ore is generated.

Custom Paintings by MrDimkas_Studio

Allows players to draw custom paintings.

Custom Pause by ExampleDude

Custom Pets by A_villager, Capn_Kirok

Make your own Custom Inventory Pets! Choose your own name, abilities, ability levels, foods, textures, colors, and sounds. Level up your pets and learn new abilities.

Custom RPG by Gink

Custom RPG.

Custom Recipes by anti344, TheBoo

Create your own recipes without any coding knowledge!

Custom Record by AshIndigo

Add custom records to the game

Custom SCPs by sworthleyargraves, MCreator