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CmdUI Mod

cmd ui mod.

Cmo Blocks by Nafrayu, MCreator

Cmp by oreos, MCreator

CoFH Core by CoFH

CoFH Core Module


CoFH: Vanilla+ Satchels by Team CoFH

A Vanilla Enhancement mod which adds bags which hold and can automatically collect items - in various vanilla materials.

CoTRO by tomdodd4598

Sometimes, O(n) is worth it...

Coal 2 Charcoal

Convert to your hearts intent.

Coal 2 Charcoal by shaunjones

Convert Coal 2 Charcoal and vis-versa.

Coal Burning Crushers by dlevack

Adds coal burning crushers to the game.

Coal Conversion Mod by ExampleDude

Convert Char Coal to coal

Coal Explosion by Kreezxil, Rick South

Makes coal blocks explode when in contact with a torch.

Coal burning into diamond by bamboo_AWU

This mod allows you to make coal blocks burn into diamonds!