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Condenser Values API

An API that handles the ids and values for the condenser. It comes preloaded with values for minecraft, IC2, BOP, TConstruct, and Backpacks!

Condition: Overload by UvMidnight

Tinkers construct addon that brings warframe's respective gameplay element, except with potion effects


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Conege TTS by spiral6

A TTS mod for Minecraft.

ConfessorBoy's MultiMod by ConfessorBoy

Config Checker Mod by Matthew Ringrose (matt_r__)

A mod that runs as minecraft starts, checking if the game is configured correctly. Made in mind for Modpacks where the author can check if Minecraft is setup correctly.

Config Helper by jredfox

Configure modpacks with ease no more id conflicts! Optimiztions for modpacks

Config Mod - Expanded by Mrbt0907

A config mod that gives a dynamic gui interface to modify configuration files in and out the game.

Config Patcher by Lunatrius

Override default configs with 'patch configs'.

ConfigAnytime by CleanroomMC

Allows Forge configurations to be setup at any point in time.

ConfigDownloader Mod by PaulCodesUK

Mod that downloads config files

ConfigMaxxing by trollogyadherent

A library mod adding a potion and mob config picker, allowing for easy picker addition.

ConfigUpdater by IAmTheWolfie

Automatically updates the config, like magic!

Configable Item and Block Creator by Zombiedude347

A basic mod allowing the creation of basic items and ores. All done with configs and Resource Packs

Configurable Beacons by Ephys

Customize how beacons work.

Configurable Cane by gigaherz

Lets you tweak the growth of sugarcane.