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CCBarcodes by Tiin57

Adds barcode scanning to ComputerCraft.

CCHolographic by zeecant

Holograms for ComputerCraft.


CCLights add amazing RGB Lights and Light Grids to ComputerCraft.

CCLights 2 by ds84182, Alekso56

CCLights 2 adds very advanced monitors and tablets to minecraft.

CCTransport by ElvishJerricco

Adds some extra functionality


Random tweaks to Computer Craft

CD4017BE_lib by CD4017BE

Large collection of classes needed by my other mods

CDCWMODS_VERSION by Arajooj, MCreator

Versao do Modpack

CDMLLoader by Jochem Broekhoff

CDML Loading utilities.


Vamos entrar um pouco no mundo dos cavaleiros do zodiaco.

CE Higher Enchanting by Maties7

Allows you to change the maximum lvl enchant.

CEU by Tictim

simple converter for GTCE EU/FE