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Custom Crafting Tables by sokratis12GR, KewaiiGamer, TheDragonTeam

Crafting tables with a range of x*y scales, Use with CraftTweaker integration

Custom Credits mod by Rushmead

Allows you to play a custom credits sequence based off of SplashAnimation by asiekierka

Custom Crosshair Mod

Mod that changes the style of the crosshair.

Custom Cursor by DragoSFire

Replaces the standard mouse on your own.

Custom Cursor Mod by ATE47

Change your cursor.

Custom Cutscenes by GenDeathrow

Create your own story-line for your mod

Custom Death Sounds by Sinon434

Adds customizable death sounds to your gameplay in the Hypixel servers.

Custom Discord RPC by Jaideep Singh Heer

This mod allows you to use custom Rich Presence Text for the Discord client.

Custom Fences And Gates by RadiantRaptor

A couple of new fences and fence gates ans walls

Custom Flags by nerd-boy

Have you ever had an awesome design but wished you could show it off in minecraft? Well now you can in beautifully animated flags

Custom FoV by C4

Allows customization of various field of view settings.

Custom Gamma by Candle

Allows the user to enable high gamma for specific Hypixel gamemodes.

Custom Grass Block by dunca_sq8yi8p, MCreator

Custom Greg Ore Generation by dohyun22

Generates Gregtech ore clusters.

Custom Hand Gui mod by Aqua_tic(AqUpd)

Mod where you can change the hands position.