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CustomItems by InfinityRaider

Add your own custom items and blocks (use with Minetweaker for maximum profit)

CustomLAN Reborn by Sqeegie

A remake of the CustomLAN mod by CptHunter.

CustomLanPort Mod by wwrpg

Sets LAN port to a configurable number, 54321 default.

CustomModel by netease

change player model.

CustomNPCs Fix by Hueihuea

The mod fixs some bug of NPC mod.

CustomNpcs by Noppes DarkSignal

The Custom Npcs mod lets you create your own npcs and lets you customize them how you want

CustomPort by afdw

Mod that adds LAN server port select box.

CustomRestartMessage by runescapejon

Have a custom restart/stop message that fits your server needs when you stop/restart your server


Fancy Selection boxes!


Fancy Selection boxes!

CustomSkinLoader by xfl03

Custom Skin Loader for Minecraft

CustomSkinLoaderForNetease by xfl03, JLChnToZ, ZekerZhayard

Custom Skin Loader for Minecraft Netase Edition.

CustomSkinModFix by xfl03

Mod fix for CustomSkinLoader.