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Create a Creature! by Andrey Vilange, MCreator


This is an example mod

Creating Tables by WanionCane

Bringing Creating Tables!

Creative Additions by SourceCoded

This is Creative Additions, a mod which helps you a whole bunch if you work on the creative side

opensource productivity creative lightweight

Creative Block Replacer by Rick South

Allows easy switching in between placing and replacing blocks in creative mode.

Creative Block Replacer by Rick South

Allows easy switching in between placing and replacing blocks in creative mode.

Creative Blocks by squeek

Allows specified blocks to be placed as if the player was in creative mode

Creative Cheats

Tools for creative.

Creative Tab Randomiser by Chocohead

The creative tab order is not terribly exciting. What would make it more exciting is change. Lots and lots of change.

Creative Tools by whitefang57

Useful creative tools for use in survival

Creative Wand 1.0.1 by Mihai824, MCreator

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