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Get essence and craft shit

CraftForFriends by Titival78

Mod du serveur de CraftForFriends

CraftGuide by Uristqwerty

A recipe viewer, WITH A SCROLL BAR!

CraftGuide by Uristqwerty

A recipe viewer, WITH A SCROLL BAR!


Este Mod é para criar GELO!!!

CraftItems by CreoDen

Items for MineTweaker.

CraftLoader by FirEmerald

Crafting recipe loader framework, for mods to add in their own recipe loaders. Also includes it's own crafting table recipe loader and furnace smelting loader.

CraftMC+ by ShiroksX,Maisman, MCreator

This mod is the updated version from the old one!

CraftMine by ModsForLife, MCreator

Mine As many ores as you can


This is an example mod

CraftMoney by SpyMan, CraftMoney Staff

Official mod of the CrafMoney server (FR)

CraftMoneyMod by xzefir

Mod officiel du serveur Minecraft CraftMoney

CraftMore by Do_nut

Continuation of CraftChain. Adds recipes for stuff that doesn't have one.

CraftPresence by CDA_Gaming

Completely Customize the way others see you play in Discord!

CraftRecord by

Add Recipe of the record.

CraftSaddles Mod by ExampleDude

Craft saddles, horse armor and name tags.