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Craftable TARDIS Stuff by GameIdiot153

Adds some crafting recipes for some uncraftable items in the New TARDIS Mod.

Craftable Totem Of Undying by Thesi, MCreator

Craftable Totem Of Undying by 00theblackwolf00

An easy way to craft the Totem of Undying.

Craftable Vex Spawn Egg by dylan, MCreator

Craftable Villager Spawn Egg by dylan, MCreator

Craftable Vines Mod by SM84CE

Allows Vines to be crafted from leaf blocks.

Craftable Waypoints

The most survival-friendly waypoints mod!

Craftable Witch Spawn Egg by dylan, MCreator

Craftable item by Dorota, MCreator

Craftable sponges by Me

Craftable sponge