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Starreactors by veDesreveR

injection point type '%s'


Add a recipe


Mods that add recipe for the nether star

StartFight by Galli24

Le mod de StartFight.

StartStopCommands by RyanJH

A simple plugin to run commands on server start and stop.

Starter Kit by ValkyrieofNight

Starter-Pack Mod by harri, MCreator

StarterSettings by Ionaru

Sets specific settings on first-launch

Starting Inventory by __Sirloin__

Players receive a custom inventory when joining the game for the first time. Use the /setStartingInventory command to use your inventory as the template.

StartingInventory by DaftPVF, bspkrs

Allows you to define a list of items that will be given to the player when starting new worlds.

smp tweak util opensource

Starvation Ahoy by mincrmatt12, dmf444

Starvation Ahoy by mincrmatt12 and dmf444. This mod will make people hungrier, faster. We are not responsible for immediate death by hunger.

Stash Finder by fan87


Stat-Trakâ„¢ Forge Weapons by Trentv4

Adds an enchantment and item to apply patented Stat-Trakâ„¢ technology to all of your equipment!

StatBoostViewer by Nora

Displays dungeon item stat boosts in the Item Tooltip.

StatCraft by cvrunmin

A mod of railway station decorations and utilities

StatHat by GitHub: @thomasjaya

Displays duels stats above a player's head

StatTweaker by AlexSocol

Addon for MineTweaker 3 to configure mob/tool/armor stats