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Stone Blind by toblexson

Adds a range of different stone types to world gen for decorative purposes

Stone Chests by kjmaster1

Stone chests for minecraft

Stone Crafting Table by TheRealp455w0rd

Adds a limited-use variant of the vanilla crafting table

Stone Dust by neocromicon

Stone Ladder by Foghrye4

Set of various stone ladders

Stone Lamp by tterrag

Stone Tool by CHIBAKENMA!

Stone Torches by covers1624, vertex101

Add stone torches.

Stone Tree by ShirukoSoba

Add useful woods.

StoneAge by Sakros

The core mod of the modpack Stone Age.

StoneBlock Dimensions by FTB_lag


StoneBlockUtilities by FTB_lag

Simple utilities for StoneBlock pack.


This is an example mod

StoneCatalysts by uberifix

Generate additional stone types with stone gens using a catalyst


New Fixed?

StoneCrack by XBagon

Get ores by mining stone!