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Simple Strainers by Nov4e

A mod that add simple strainers to the game for help modpack makers to extend their early-game.

Simple Surface Ore Veins by Shadowmaster435, MCreator

Enter short description here

Simple Text Overlay by wendall911

Display extra information on top of your in-game screen.

Simple Tinkers Construct Addon by TheOldOne

Adds support for Simple Ores to Tinkers Construct.

Simple Tomb by Lothrazar, Corail31

A very simple gravestone mod where your drops respawn in a tomb, with a key to locate. A rebuilt minimized fork of the old mod Corail's Tombstone with new and different features. Mod adds only one gravestone and one key, see the config file for more information.

Simple Tree Drops by gbui, Morgrim_the_Dark

Simple Tree Farm by BlueMonster122

A mod that simply adds a tree farm

Simple Trophies by quaternary

It adds trophies!

Simple Tubes by oMilkyy

Another mod that adds tubes to Minecraft...and maybe other things???

Simple Usage Log by andrenoel

Log server usage simply and independently. Logs server start and stop, player login and out, and PVP attacks and deaths. The log file SimpleUsageLog.log is located in the server main folder.

Simple Vials by User, MCreator

Simple Voice Chat

A working voice chat in Minecraft!

Simple Whitelist by tian051011

Simplify whitelist, allow you to modify reject prompt

Simple Wooden Bucket by reteo

Adds a wooden bucket that can hold water and milk. That's all. This mod was loaded by Javascript MOD Loader

Simple World Timer by FoxAhead

Configurable timer for displaying world, in-game or system time.

Simple XP Storage by Dark_Lizzy

Provides a simple and straightforward XP storage system using Mana Crystals.

Simple Zombie Apocalypse by youar, MCreator

Simple Zoom by ChronoPositron

A very simple mod allowing you to zoom. Nothing more, nothing less.