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Smooth Unicode Font by BRE

This mod allow you to read very small unicode fonts.

Smooth Zoom by Fiw

SmoothStoneBlocks by StuffTheChickien

Adds smooth stone to 1.12.*.

SmoothWater by asiekierka

Smooth water rendering for Minecraft.

Smores by CalmBit, Falkreon

A metals/gems/ores base mod, removing the necessity of duplicated materials.

SnCraft by Snooker147

Just a normal mod

SnCraft IC2 Addons by snooker147

Addons for IC2 Experimental

Snad by TheRoBrit

You're finally able to have your sugarcane grow faster. What could possibly be better than that?

Snap Look by Aqua_tic(AqUpd)

SnapDoors by blueyu2

Adds new doors from the 1.8 snapshots.

Snappy by Nibato

Snaps camera angle to the nearest ninety degree angle

Snapshot by Six-One-Three

Adds things from minecraft snapshots to 1.7.10


Fnaf world mod snapshot 4

SnazzyFellas Minecraft Mod by ExampleDude

Example placeholder mod.

Sneak Animation Fix by asbyth

reverts / updates the sneak animation to be the same as the 1.7- / 1.9+ sneaking animation

Sneak Down Riding by Space_Cheetah, Pookie2019

Makes it so sneak is moved to a different (configurable) key when riding a mob.

Sneaker Mod by Quartzic

Turn on and off your skin layer just by sneaking!

Sneaky Curses by Fuzs

Curse enchantments are now hidden on items. Or a lot easier to spot. Customise the mod to your desires.