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This is the dimensions side of the mod, I made them seperate because I didn't want my workspace to be messy!

SMods by SnyGun

Client by SnyGun

SMoney by ShaliAli, MCreator

ShaliAli's Money Mod.

SOWM by letteryt, MCreator

SPCore by Swipoke

Swipoke Core MOD

SPECIAL BLOCKS by Thomas_2005_787, MCreator

SPELUNKER BLASTER by つてと (Tsuteto)


SR Parasites Addon by NoCube by NoCube

Unofficial content addition to Scape and Run Parasites mod

SRP Addon Immalleable Generator by BunnimimiTotem

Added a block and a tool which can disable Adaptation of parasites around the block / player from Scape and Run: Parasites Mod in order to make it easier for noobs (like me) to keep alive in high Evolution Phasese.

SRP Tweaks by ExistingEevee

Adds in integrations to other tweaker mods, as well as offering config tweaks to better your experience.

SRP: Combat Addon (by NoCube) by NoCube

Adds a variety of weapons and armor to fight against parasites

SRP: Hermits' Arsenal by Existingeevee

New ways to fight the hoard...

SRP: Nests Addon (by NoCube) by NoCube

Adds parasite nests around the world

SRP: Survival Addon (by NoCube) by NoCube

Adds quality of life content to help you survive the parasite invasion