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SaturationOverflow by Zenny3D

Allows saturation to overflow one time until used up again. This allows saturation from food such as Top Tier meals in Pam's Harvest Craft to not have excess wasted saturation.

Sauce Construct by bagu_chan

Saurango! by salerinho, MCreator

Sausage And More by robcio, MCreator

SausageCore by Yaossg

Core For Yaossg's mod


A joke mod that became a reality.

Save Money by Nokiyen

Save Money adds same goods for saving your money.

Save My Stronghold! by YUNGNICKYOUNG

A lightweight mod to prevent strongholds from being torn up by underground caves and structures.

Save and Load Inventories by Rick South

Easily save and load inventories by using commands.


Allows you to craft Spawn Eggs

Sawtastic by Keksuccino


Say No To AFK Fishing by Atvainojiet

Mod that doesn't allow players to use an AFK fishing machine with a Note Block.

Say No To Enderman Farm by Atvainojiet

Mod that doesn't allow Endermans to be aggresive to Endermites, so, nobody can make an easy Enderman's farm in The Ender.

SayItem by Zerthick

Display an Item in Chat!