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SimpleLogin by Seraph_JACK

Simple Login

SimpleMultiFarm by LosJustos

Shear all sheeps, feed all animals, turn all dirt to farmland and plant all seeds around you.


SimpleOres 2 by AleXndrTheGr8st

SimpleOres 2 is a more-ores mod with a surprising amount of effort put into balance.

SimpleOres Biomes O' Plenty Plugin by Adahel

Biomes O' Plenty scythes made with ores added by SimpleOres 2 and copper bucket with liquids added by Biomes O' Plenty.

SimpleParser by Plinto

Мод создан корпорацией Анонимус (Использование: -pp)


Objects for your party in Minecraft !!


A very simple basic permissions plugin

SimplePrefixManager by kristi71111

A simple prefix manager using the LuckPerms API