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Sharpness Core Mod

Shatter by iChun

Shatter mod, a general death animation replacer for mobs.

ShatterSkeleton by eyeq


Shatterpoint's Keystrokes by Shatterpoint

Keystrokes for 1.8.9


Mod add to the game a juicy and delicious shaurma

ShazenMod by leomelki

Mod de Shazen par leomelki

Shear Madness by AtomicBlom

That thing you've always wanted to do with a chisel.


just add shearable chicken.

Shearing Painting by Rongmario

Configures how you could take off the paintings off your walls.

Sheeeps! by Zulucap

When sheep go exploring they find useful material that gets trapped in their wool.

Sheep by _jx


Shelf by MrIbby, Risugami

Ever wanted to store your items in a way you can see them? Here you go. This block allows you to add up to 9 items to it and the items you put in are shown in the world. Recipe is: P - P P P = Planks, - = Nothing

SheltersMod by No_eru334

Add Very Very HardBlocks

ShetiPhian-Core by ShetiPhian

Core set of files needed by ShetiPhians mods

ShiYongJiQi by Tongyao

A minecraft mod~