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Search Commands by Lothrazar

New commands: home, gethome, worldhome, enderchest, searchtrade, searchitem. Check the config file for details.

Searchable Chests by Zuve

Allows for the searching of chests similar to inventory search in creative mode.

SearchstatsMod by harogen_

Seared Ladder by jbredwards

Backports the seared ladder from tconstruct 1.16+.

Seasons API by EdwinMindcraft

Add a season system to minecraft

Seba's Tameable Spiders by tomas, MCreator

Seccade Mod by Hasan_Efe_Real, Despacito

Enables Seccade

Secret Bookshelf

Adding bookshelves acting as levers and rotating blocks around when activated.

Secret Mod by Daedricbunny


SecretRoomsMod by AbrarSyed, Wyn Price, alexbegt

This mod adds a variety of cool blocks that camouflage themselves to the surrounding world. All of these blocks have extremely useful functions that allow you to simply hide your diamonds, or punish all who dare try to get to them. Hidden doors, pressure plates, hidden levers and more!



Adds some, well- stuff.

Secretly Private by Davie
