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Server Tab Info by black_dog20

Server Tick Monitor by Ruuubi

Adds a monitor block to measure server tickrate in real time.

Server Tools by matthewprenger

Adds a variety of server utilities and commands

serverside util admin opensource

Server Utilities by rafii6311

Some useful functions for your server

Server mobs mod

Use my server and earn a mob dedicated to you.


Secure your precious server

ServerFirst by Karjah

Achievements that unlock only for the first player to earn it.

ServerFix by hxyzg, MCreator

ServerInteractions by Justin

Handles interactions between the server & the client in a non required way


An extremely customizable server status ping plugin for Minecraft

ServerObserver by Kamesuta

Observe Minecraft Server Status


A utility for server modpack makers forcing people to play on the servers but not client.