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Spawn Preventing Beacon by Pyre540

Simple mod that adds new beacon effect to prevent mob spawning.

Spawn Protection by Kreezxil

Protecting spawn regardless of the op condition

Spawn Regulation by The Temportalist

Put Desc Here

Spawn Temple

Creates a temple at World Spawn for safe spawning


The SpawnChecer draw informations to ingame of mob spawn points, slime chunks and the MobSpawner.

SpawnController by maru

You can control spawning monsters!

SpawnEggCraft_basemod by fxz

Craft spawn_eggs!

SpawnEggDropsMod by culegooner


SpawnHere by CJ Miller (cjm721)

Adds a block which mobs will spawn on more CPU efficiently then vanilla spawning

SpawnTableTweaker by pWn3d_1337

Add mobs to spawn tables with crafttweaker.

SpawnTweaks by minaduki

Edit Spawn List!