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SimpleWorldGuard by SQwatermark

Protect your world form block updates that you don't have complete control over

Simple_mud_Mod by Rhys, MCreator

Simplepistol by kpier, MCreator

Simplesabers by scaryclown, MCreator

Simplevotelistener by Rubbertjuh

Simple Vote Listener for Sponge

Simplified Horses by Fusseel

A small mod to bring the 1.13 horse model to legacy versions.


Make life easier in Minecraft!

Simplistic Super Swords by GGCrosby, MCreator


Simply Acceleration by xt9 (IterationFunk)

Adds the Accelerator, a machine that can increase the tickrate for bound tile entities.

Simply Arrows by Darkhax

Simply adds arrows.

Simply Backpacks by Flanks255

Simply Backup by Sima214

A simple mod for backing up world data

Simply Bedrock by SHsuperCM

Simply Bedrock is a mod aimed to make players regain control over bedrock

Simply Blocks by Leon, MCreator

Simply Caterpillar by The_Fireplace

Adds a caterpillar drill to Minecraft.

Simply Cats Mod by Mnesikos

Cats! Cats everywhere!

Simply Chess by Freestyle Coder

A very simple chess mod :3