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Six6Stars Craftable Bedrock Obsidian Tools by Neo Anderson of Six6Star Studios, MCreator

Make bedrock with a special table and craft obsidian tools

Six6Stars Item Compactor & Olympian Armors by Neo Anderson of Six6Star Studios

Compact common blocks into hard building blocks and coal into diamonds. Make special armors from the new blocks.

Six6Stars Rotten Flesh to Leather by Neo Anderson of Six6Star Studios, MCreator

Make leather from rotten flesh in a regular furnace

SizeChanger by Nath0X, ShinobiCraft

Mod de taille pour ShinobiCraft.

Sk1er Chroma CPS by Sk1er

Shows current CPS, with Chroma

Sk1er Combat Info Mod by Sk1er

Adds a GUI for Hypixel Combat Info.

Sk1er FPS Booster by Sk1er

Enchances core game performance for better FPS

Sk1er Fullscreen by Sk1er

A good windowed fullscreen mod.

Sk1er Level Head by Sk1er

Display a player's network level above their head

Sk1er Nick Applier by Sk1er, Semx11

Advanced Application of Hypixel nicks

Sk1er Old Animations by Sk1er LLC, LlamaLad7


Sk1er Public Mod by Sk1er

The awesome public mod provided by Sk1er

Sk1er Ranked Projectile Mod by Sk1er

Allows you to have the ranked projectiles without unlocking them. Client-side only!