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Enchantments Exchanger Mod by snowstep115

Mobile Enchantments Exchanger.

Enchiridion by joshiejack

This is a mod that started off as part of Mariculture, allowing for loading of custom books from zip files in the configs, handy for modpack creators or people who just want to let people know what's going on, with a mod. 


Enchvil Mod

This mod gives the players the ability to un-enchant items.

End Credits by Lucasmellof

Mod to show end credits to players.

End Metals by jriwanek, Knoxhack

End Metals is an Addon for the mod Base Metals, it expands it to bring its ores to the End dimension.


This mod add a new tower to the end inspirated Tower from Minecraft Dungeons. A End Tower has 6 levels 1 - Maze level 2 - Fight level 3 - Parkour level 4 - Speedrun level 5 - Another maze level 6 - Boss and reward level. If you complete the End Tower you get a great reward!

End Portal Parallax by bowling-allie

Changes the end portal renderer to the 1.10- look (parallax)

End Portal Recipe by Rick South

Makes the end portal craftable and available in survival plus other tweaks.

End Portal Recipe by Rick South

Makes the end portal craftable and available in survival plus other tweaks.

End Reset by V10lator

Per dimension game-mode

End Teleporters by Markus1002

End Teleporters is an End-themed mod that adds a new, balanced and quick way to travel around in your Minecraft worlds.

End: Reborn by EleC0TroN

The dragon was only the beginning. And the End more than your brain can imagine...