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Extreme Stuff by Sk4nd4lf

A mod that adds extreme stuff :P

Extreme Weapons by crackme, MCreator


Enter short description here


go to the nearest tree and hide

ExtremeCraft by Lulli, MCreator

Yet another add-on mod, but extreme.

ExtremeCraftingBuilder by Christmas

Some shit.


This mod adds a hunger snack.


Superhero Mod


An expensive mod

Extronics Mod by ExampleDude

An early version of an electronic based Mod. Along with electronics there is a bit of magic!

Extruder Mod by awesommist

Adds Extruders to Minecraft!

Eye Gaze by Kirsty McNaught

A selection of mods which increase accessibility and support eye gaze input For eye control, use EyeMine version 1.1.1

Eye of Dragons by Martin Kuckert

Adds Eye of Dragons to find Ice and Fire dragons