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Reverstone by Tailstar

Reverse stone back to cobblestone!

Revival Core by Captaindrobat/Psychokiller, Toma, Josia50, Gary/Barritar And TUDNation


RevivalMod by johnsama

Useful mods for 1.11.2 PvP Servers


It is a revollution of craftings(Mod has create of 1 brazilian = english is bad)

Revolution by Mineforse123

Mod für das Revolution Projekt

RewardsSponge by brunyman

Rewards for sponge.

Rexalite World by LoreSchaeffer

This is a Rexalite World Mod.


This is an example mod

Rezolve by rezonant, maxillaria

Simplify automation and management of complex modded Minecraft bases

Rhaizzing Core by TonRZN

Main framework for Team Rhaizzing Modding's mods

Rhaizzing Extra by TonRZN

Utilities fot the modern minecrafter

RhyAntiCheatMod by Rhythm_Nz

Rhycraft AntiCheat Mod