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Recast by Rick South

Automatically re-casts the fishing rod for a player when they catch an item.

Rechiseled by SuperMartijn642

Rechiseled allows you to exchange between various decorative blocks!


This is an example mod

Recipe Blocker by JOO200

Ein Mod, welcher diese nervigen Rezepte rechts oben blockt.

Recipe Book Nullifier by Squirtle8459

Removes That Pointless Recipe Book.

Recipe Expansion Pack by RichardPlaysMC

Adds new items and recipes to minecraft. The focus is to add logical recipes that minecraft lacks. Such as the ability to make mossy cobblestone with a vine and cobblestone, or the ability to make a wooden bucket and to make compost. The new version adds compatibility with 1.6.4 and adds new items such as quivers, white fences and clear glass

Recipe Image Generator by tattyseal

A mod to allow mod authors to easily generate recipe images for their mod pages.

Recipe Plan Fix

Bypasses the need for a project bench to program a recipe plan

Recipe Scramble by rich1051414

Recipe Scramble mod

Recipe Search Buttons by TechLord22

Adds useful keybinds for finding recipes for what you're looking at!

Recipe Tweaking Core by tterrag

Library mod for screwing around with recipes

Recipe Unlocker

For challenge maps


Items to combine recipes with Minetweaker


This is an example mod