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RecipeJSON by Petitsurume


RecipePuls by SHOUYU, MCreator

RecipeResearch by Funwayguy, Darkosto

Nobody is spontaneously perfect at crafting so why should you be in Minecraft. Practice makes perfect

RecipeStages by Jared

Stages recpe

RecipeTooltips by superckl

Quickly find and view recipes for items and blocks.

RecipeTweaks_1.12.2_1.0.1 by Gabie_io, MCreator

This is the second version of Recipe tweaks. some tweaks have been changed and better

Recipear2 by Silentspy

Removes Recipes


Adds missing and useful recipes to Minecraft.

Recipes For All by mallrat208

Unlocks all recipes in the Vanilla Crafting Book

Recipes and More by Meldexun

New recipes, items stackable and more.

Recipes+V2 by r�mling, MCreator

Adds new recipes for unobtainable/hard to obtain items!

RecipesPlus by DragonX

This mod adds recipes that are supposed to have been added to the game, but they are not for some obscure reasons.


Adds More Recipes To Minecraft

Reckords by Reck -- coolbot100s + Kchem

<3 We just wanted a bit of our playlist in Minecraft <3