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Redstone Boxes by raydeejay

Magical boxes imbued with abstract energy, made to travel around the mineverse

Redstone Control by CD4017BE

Point to Point Redstone wires, data-flow oriented programmable compact circuits, fancy displays, control interfaces and more ...

Redstone Distortion by UniversalRed

A mod that adds more equipment to BuildCraft

Redstone Energy Field

Adds a redstone energy field block

Redstone Energy Field by samrg472

Adds a redstone energy field block

Redstone Flux by Team CoFH

The Redstone Flux API - the cornerstone of Energy Transfer in modded Minecraft since 1.6.4.

Redstone Flux Arsenal by knoxhack

Redstone Flux Arsenal adds tools and weapons that use the RF, the energy system added by the Redstone Flux API.

Redstone Furnaces by mardiff712

In this completely OP mod, furnaces only require redstone signals to function!

Redstone Gauges and Switches by wile

Adds redstone (metering) gauges, bistable switches (lever like), and pulse switches (button like) to the game.

Redstone HUD by SmartFractyl

An f3 vanilla-style heads up display for blocks and various redstone related items!

Redstone Igniter by LumberWizard

This mod adds a block that consumes Forge Energy and ignites the block it's facing whenever it receives power.

Redstone In Motion by John Anthony Kazos Jr.

Redstone Influx by CsokiCraft

Generate RF with awesome machines!

Redstone Joule Craft by MrDimka, MrDmytro, MaxCat

A mod about another type of power [RJ]. Also §2provides§r a RJ API, can be found at my github

Redstone Jukebox by sidben

Adds a new and improved Jukebox to the game. Configurable interface, holds up to 8 records and activated by redstone.

Redstone Jukebox by sidben

Adds a new and improved Jukebox to the game. Configurable interface, holds up to 8 records and activated by redstone.

Redstone Lock by JES, MCreator

Redstone Minus Redstone by asiekierka

What the flux?

Redstone Mobs by EleC0TroN

Decorative mod about the redstoned mobs