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Simple plugin to show respect of players

Responsive Beacons by pau101

Improves the poor responsiveness beacons have to block changes

RessourcePackCommand by Nixuge

A mod to change your ressource packs using a command.

Rest Secret Settings by Falling_Dutchman

adds an option to reset the secret settings to default when you accidentally clicked it

RestartOnCrash by Dogboy21


Restarter by brunyman

Server monitor and restart system.

Restrict by STG_Allen

Item Restriction

Restrict Zones by PbJBOSS

Restriction of breaking blocks in certain areas.

RestrictIO by FlatronEZ

Ban item usage ingame on the fly

Restricted Creative by The_Computerizer

Restricts creative item duping based on a config file

Restricted Portals by MoreThanHidden

A mod that requires you to craft an item before allowing the player to enter the nether or end, this is to stop people on multiplayer servers bypassing early game.

RestrictedServer by Dogboy21

Absicherung eines Servers gegen Griefmöglichkeiten

Restriction by davqvist

Disables right click functionality under configurable circumstances

Restructured by OreCruncher

Modify your world by adding structures

Resynth by Ki11er_wolf

Adds growable resources to Minecraft.