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real Terminal Mod by mx_wj, squirrelOvO

「真-终端•混沌裁决WCX」在所有的时间和所有的空间之前诞生的究极概念,连所谓真正的无限和永恒也无法与之抗衡,掌控所有的法则和因果,调配和维护一切的无上God! power by:mx_wj

real life mod by §aItsAMysterious

This mod makes Minecraft more like the Real Life!It addes tones off new things to minecraft, including temperatur, illness, telephone, tv and much more...


Structures based on real places


Wanna revive your dinner?


Mod contains items added for Recasta mod

recipeso by Windows10, MCreator

red armor by Administrador, MCreator

red valaiy by produbuild, MCreator

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