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LOL, I fully faild...


A mod that adds an endgame weopon: A pistol


pistola en prueba

Piston API by jbredwards

A small mod that lets mods and modpacks handle piston interactions!

Piston Expansion by UpcraftLP

extend the push limit of pistons with a game rule!

Piston Unlimited by Let's Dev Together Team

Piston unlimited adds the multipiston block which allows you to move any block with a handy GUI into any direction!

PistonCompression by Joseph C. Sible

Allows pistons to compress blocks into other blocks or items.


Best MOTD plugin multi platform support!

Pistronics by Letiu

Adds expandable Pistons to the Game.

Pistronics2 by Letiu

Beta Version, Adds Pistons, Rotators and more.

Pit Events by skyerzz

Shows Pit Events Better.

PitItemRename by Moulberry


This mod includes 4 Pit Spikes, Wood Pit Spike, CobbleStone Pit Spike, Iron Pit Spike, Diamond Pit Spike.

PitchFix by SinKillerJ

A fix for resource packs, removes variable pitch from sounds.

Pixel Art by ButterCheetah266

All the colours of the rainbow and more!

Pixel Galaxy by RamiLego4Game

Galacticraft 3 add-on that adds new galaxy (Pixel Galaxy).

Pixel Legendary Mod by anxic

Manage the user who can catch the pokemon.

Pixel MK Menu by Joe Targett

Menu reskins and retextures for the Pixel MK modpack(s).