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PokeNinjas by LightDream, Jurre, repeater64, Septicuss

The custom mod for the PokeNinjas network.

PokeRemoveIcons by LaorouY


PokeTeams by TSEcho, Deltric, Lypaka

Teams plugin with Pixelmon Generations Support

PokeTech Additions by fnixdev

Mod created specifically for the &3PokeTech-Journey Modpack

Pokecentral Mod

A mod that enhances the gameplay experience when playing on the Pokecentral network

Pokeclear by Waterpicker

Pokecube AIO by Thutmose

All In One Pokecube Mods

Pokecube Alternative by Thutmose, Karagra

Restricts the player to having 6 Pokemobs, for a more Pokemon Game like feel.

Pokecube Expansion by Kaividian

Various items to expand Pokecube