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Player Shops

Allows players to create shops

Player Skin Mobs by GenDeathrow

Adds a mob that has other players skins.

Player Sounds by DoomFruit

Plays sounds from Quake and C&C whenever players jump, take damage or die.

Player Stats by MrDimkas_Studio, xMrVizzy

Player Stats 2 by MrDimkas_Studio

Lets players upgrade themselves using XP

Player Tags by Zeitheron

Vanity mod to change your visible name and tag!

Player Tracker by Denney

Track Various Player Data

Player Tracking by Rick South

A PvP mod which allows tracking players via trackers in the world, originally created by mcpvp.

Player Tracking Compass by Rick South

Adds a Tracking Compass, which tracks the nearest player on right click.

Player Trade Mod by Zetal

A simple mod that allows players to trade with each other using a secure GUI method.

Player vs Player by kylia, MCreator

Player's Choice by Vazkii

Allows modpack players to pick which mods they want on first load.

PlayerAlert by q256

Alerts you whenever a certain player joins your lobby