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Pointy Sticks Mod by Endernoobs 314owen

Craft the Pointiest of Sticks

Poison Craft

MAKE ALL THE POISONS!! This is my First mod, I hope you like :O. Check out my twitch at


PosionLand MOD 1.0 for Minecraft 1.7.10

Poisoned Arrows Mod by gegy1000

The Poisoned Arrows Mod adds the ability to add potion effects to your arrows.

PokeBuy by Cepera

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PokeCraft by DirfoxPYT

PokeKibble by Teits

Plugin to create PokeKibbles and heal your Pokemons's life.

PokeLoot by Alien595

A Pixelmon Side-Mod that spawns PokeChest with special Pixelmon items randomly across the world. Furniture/Equipment Mod by BaX

Mod which include Poke-Furniture and Poke-Equipment made by players.