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Purposeful Rotten Flesh by james1726, MCreator

Push and Shove by killjoy1221

Adds back players being pushed around by other players and mobs.

Pushable Puzzle Blocks by slugg0

Pushable Puzzle Blocks

Put Only One by ecru

Put Only One

PvP Disabler by PbJBOSS

Allows players to disable their pvp.

PvP Info Mod by Eifel

Mod that shows pvp kills.

PvP Utilities by Rsge

Lots of Utilities for Minecraft PvP, including limiting playtime, limited lifes, XP-limiting and commandlogging. Credits: The Forge and FML guys for making Forge, 'codechicken', the COFH-Team & the HQM-Makers for code-inspiration, Jayjay265 for an initial script-idea and all the people playing on my server.

PvPEssentials by StarZorrow, blowsy, dewgs, 2Pi, Fyu, Powns, OrangeMarshell, Sk1er, OFP, prplz, spiderfrog, Yario, Extazz, canelex

Includes essential forge mods for Minecraft PvP!