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Probe by Yesterday17

Dump information to .zsrc file for future use.

Procander's Simple ToggleSprint by Procander

Check the controls!

Prodigy Mechanics by BordListian

An mystical mechanics engine that uses hot air.

Prodigy Tech by Lykrast

A tech mod that goes through various concepts.

Profile Mod by canelex

Easily change your options

Profiler Events

Library that intercepts profiling points and sends them as events to Forge's event bus.

Profiles by Lunatrius

Change client settings on the fly!

Progenitor by Arkan

Simple world pregeneration.

Programmable Command Blocks by MrDimkas_Studio

This mod allows you to program command blocks in another way you never saw!


This mod will help you throu the early game!


A mod that allows you to control the progression of individual players.

Progression Tweaks by Turkey2349

Mod to help tweak progression of Minecraft

Progressive Alchemy by zerofall

ProjectE Addon that allows you to customize progression.

Progressive Automation by Vanhal

A mod that adds automation that can be built in the early game and upgraded throughout late game. (Currently only adds a miner)

Progressive Boxes by Tiffit

Adds highly configurable/customizable loot boxes.

Progressive Core by Lellson

Core mod for the Progressive Ores series

Progressive Difficulty by Talandar

Highly configurable way to control mob difficulty.