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Placebo by Shadows_of_Fire

1 library boi

PlaceholderAPI by rojo8399, Wundero

An API for all of your placeholders.

Placement Preview by masa

Shows a preview of the block that will be placed

Placemod by Ternsip

This mod spawns various structures taken from schematics during world generation.


Enter short description here

Plain Blocks by Wavebrother

Just blocks with one color.

Plain Wall Blocks by Nafrayu, MCreator

Plan by Rsl1122

Player Analytics Plugin by Rsl1122

PlaneFix by Shadows_of_Fire

Patch mod for AE Planes

Planet Progression

A Galacticraft Addon.


This adds a new crafting recipe

Plans API by gottsch

API to enable drafting and building of Plans structures.

PlansPlacer 1.7.2 by gottsch