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Plates by brudin

brudin is king

Platforms by ShetiPhian


Platinum Mod by EnderStar101

Mod that adds Platinum to Minecraft


A way to get platinum for TinkersConstruct!

Platypuses by nikittta, your_jeans

Platypuses go krrrrrrrr

Play AutoComplete by Tireless, 2Pi

Makes hypixel play and queue commands easier to use by having auto complete.

Play Button by ArshiaDPG, Dotu, MCreator

Play Button Mod by Cleverth

Adds Youtube Play Buttons

PlayBlock by sk89q, Joe12o, yofreke, tonius11

Video player and other display mechanics for Minecraft.

PlayCmds by CoderPixels

PlayCmds is a mod that makes joining games on the Hypixel network easier.


Simple Tools, Simple Items, Adv.Power System.

PlayPower Core

Core mod for PlayPower team mods.

PlayTics More Health Mod by PlayTics, MCreator

Add after a respawn 40 hp more.

PlayTimeCounter by Delusive

Counts players' playtime

Player Badges by Juloass

Player badgesU Mod.

Player Beacons by Kihira, Nexans20

Tap into the power of the end to enhance yourself

magic opensource

Player Cloaks by Zeitheron

The mod adds player cloak to mask as a different player for some time. This project was commissioned by Mr.Rose on Discord, and developed by Zeitheron.