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Pixelmon Go by Jaredlll08

Pokestops and eggs in minecraft.

Pixelmon Info Plus by CSCStudio, hhui64

Show more info about Pixelmon.

Pixelmon Information by §6Bletch§r

§fThis extension adds additional information for use with §bPixelmon§a 7.0.0§f. §fBuilt with: §bForge§f §bJEI§f §bHwyla§f 1.8.26-B41_1.12.2

Pixelmon Integrations by Elrol

Integration for Pixelmon

Pixelmon TCG by Pixelmon Development Team, Pixelmon Modelling Team, Waterdude, Hy, Isi

Trade cards and do battle!

Pixelmon Trainer Commands by Rhonim

Trainer commands in Pixelmon!

Pixelmon Wiki Gui by mishkapp

Pixelmon wiki now with GUI!


This is an addon for PixelmonMod

PixelmonArmorsMod by BaX

This is pixelmon armors mod.

PixelmonBroadcasts by XpanD

Adds fully custom legendary-like messages for tons of events, and optionally logs them, too.

PixelmonCheck by Cocanuta

A mod to check if Pixelmon is installed.

PixelmonClans by Cepera

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