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Pyrotech by codetaylor

Fire it up.

Pyrotech Compat by Trinsdar

Adds andesite and diorite anvils, rocks from ubc rock types, netherrack rocks, and scorai anvil using primal core stone

PythonTool Mod by Alvaro Perez, Hans Fangohr

Interactively alter your Minecraft world in real time, using Python!

Pyxis Lib by ProspectPyxis

Yet another library mod for me to have an easier time managing my mods.

p455w0rd MOTD Customizer by TheRealp455w0rd

Server Mod that customizes MOTD, player list tooltip, and server icon

p455w0rd's Things by p455w0rd aka TheRealp455w0rd

Stuff for 1.10.2

p455w0rd'sAE2WirelessTerminalsPatch by Katatsumuri.pan

A patch for p455w0rd's Wireless Terminals.


Early game health regen!

pakastecraft by aarni, MCreator

pala_mod_tool by AG, MCreator

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