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SafeJoin by MakerTim

Simple mod that stops you from getting killed when you login

SafePlace by Clienthax

Adds safeplace commands to pixelmon

SafeTrade by CJcool06

Trade Pokemon, Items, and Money safely

SafeZone by Melonslise

No better way to protect yourself! One of the best server protection tools.

Safechat by Colecf

Blocks swear words from multiplayer chat.

SafetyVillage by defeatedcrow

Enjoy peaceful village life!


Add a bunch of new things to Minecraft with new tools, blocks, items and a new entire dimension.


ゆっくり実況をしているサフィンが作成しているMODです。 小物やレシピ追加がメインです。


This is an SahyungSu mod

SaiCo Spam Detector by nurDeutsch

Detects 3 messages in 20 seconds.

Saikkimus's Random Things by Saikkimus, MCreator

Saikkimus's Rainbow Mod Remake

Sailcraft by Spadly

Create ships and sail them!


Cool Sails for the Ships Mod


SainVariousMod Beta0.0.2!!

Saint Seiya Mod by Vallery Corr�a, MCreator


Saint Seiya Mod!!!