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Shut Up, Model Loader by phantamanta44

Makes the model loader shut up.


This Mod is in Alpha

SiberiaMod by iZerus

This mod makes Minecraft the way it should be: complex, severe, moderately realistic and not forgiving mistakes. Feel the real survival mode!

Side Slabs by danielm59, TheDCPlaya

Added vanilla slabs placeable on their sides

Sidebar Fix by kimoVoid

Fixes rendering sidebars with more than 15 players. This mod is an edit of canelex's sidebar mod, with an important fix. By HSMP.

Sidebar Hider by dewgs

Just hides your sidebar in-game.

SidebarMod by dewgs

Lets you do custom shit to your sidebar.

Sided Buffer by pome

Adds some block from some old mods.

Siege Craft GUI

Craft assist MOD for Siege

Siege Mode by Mevans

A server-side mod designed to facilitate sieges and other events for servers running the Lord of the Rings Mod.

SiegeWarfareUI by LazyGom

Sift by ZephaniahNoah

Sift through the earth to uncover its secrets.


SigaraMod RUS edition. Decorotive mod for Minecraft 1.7.10, with ciggarets moddel