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Security Craft by bztatman

Adds more ways to feel safe and secure

SecurityCraft by Geforce

Adds a load of new content to secure your house with.


Seed Mods by Ema, MCreator

No Recipe

Seed Protect by VsnGamer

Protects farmland from beeing trampled

SeedCopy by SatanicSanta

Copy your world seeds with a simple command!

SeedDrop by EwyBoy

Customize your seed drops!

SeedManager by FunnyMan3595, narc0tiq

Adds a static (block form) seed analyzer and storage facility for IC2 seed bags.


Stuff and nthings

Seeds For Electroblob's Wizardry by TheTornadoTitan

Adds a seed that will produce a crop which yields magic crystals.

Seeds Hidden in Things by DaemonUmbra

A semi-joke mod centered around getting seeds.... from throwing poop...

Seetem by Ema, MCreator
