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Simple Commands by kaotic929, MCreator

Simple Compression by Noobly20932

Compress and store common blocks, quartz, and flint!

Simple Condensers by Lomeli12, GustoniaEagle

Adds simple condensers to EE3.

Simple Corn by Cleverpanda714

Corn like Mojang might make!

Simple Cthon by akkamaddi, Sinhika

Cthon, a Nether ore.

Simple Dimensions by lumien

A simple mod that allows you to create additional dimensions.

Simple Drills by xMrVizzy

The mod adds some drills

Simple Drills and More by User, MCreator

Simple Economy by anatawa12

The mod adds simple economy system

Simple Effect HUD by Le Duy Quang

A simple mod by Le Duy Quang that displays status effects in-game.

Simple Enchancements by Darty11

Simple enhancements to the minecraft enchanting system.

Simple FPS by Aycy

A standalone fps display.

Simple Factory by jtripled

A Minecraft Forge mod that attempts to create various factory-based blocks and items that integrate well the design of Vanilla Minecraft.