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SkyBonsais by Davenonymous

Integrates SkyOrchards with Bonsai Trees


Skyblock is more cool

SkyChanger by Daniel Scalzi (TheKraken7)

Change the color of your personal sky.

SkyClaims by Mohron, Cossacksman

SkyClaims is an Island Management plugin that integrates with GriefPrevention.

SkyClient Updater by My-Name-Is-Jeff

Checks for new versions for mods in SkyClient and updates them to their latest versions.


Revamp of original SkyCraft mod.


This is an example mod


This mod adds a new cow into the game that looks like SkyDoesMinecraft

SkyFactory 2 World Generator by ExampleDude


SkyGuide by DeDiamondPro

SkyHanni by hannibal2

Hypixel Skyblock Mod


This is an example mod