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add leather into pixelmon


add leather into pixelmon


Adds string to pixel

Shaped Sword by wzz

Shaped Sword


More Shapes! Yay!

SharaXCommands by Carbon

A command mod for SharaX's Minecraft server

Shard by Nicky, MCreator

Enter short description here

Share Where I am by MuXiu1997

A mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 + JourneyMap. It allows you to share your waypoint/location with other players.

Shared Potions by MrRiegel

Sharing Tome by WireSegal

A mod that adds a tome of sharing.

SharpBone by An Sar

Use left over parts for tools or weapons

Sharplay Protection by BaluMonster

Server protection

Sharpness Particles by Javlin

Makes sharpness particles appear upon hitting an enemy, regardless of whether your sword has sharpness or not.


This mod adds unique food!