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Scooty's Plants vs. Zombies by Scooty, MCreator

Scorched World by Cerulan

Adds a "Scorched" world type, which is completely free of natural resources and bounded by lava.

Scoreboard Fix by kalinouski

Fixes NullPointerExceptions caused by func_96511_d and func_96519_k

ScoreboardMod by M4ssivo

ScoreboardMod v1.0 - Created by: M4ssivo!

Scott's Blocks by ScottKillen

Blocks that should be in the game.

Scott's Blocks by ScottKillen

Scott's Extra Blocks

Scott's Tweaks by ScottKillen

A Minecraft mod that adds a few small tweaks to the game.

Scp Containment Protocol by XSpeedRate, MCreator

It's an scp addon for minecraft

Scp_Sl_Mod by Dylan, MCreator

Scpex by

Scramble Recipe by Doorfail

Every time you craft something there is a chance the result will change.

Scrap by mallrat208

Adds Piles of Scrap

Scrap Mechanic by SOI, MCreator

Scrap World by fabricator77