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SigsByKlanddy by ksile, MCreator

Silence Mobs by Rick South

Adds the functionality to silence a mob with The Silence Stick, which can be collected by transforming a stick via the /silencestick command.

Silent Gear

Preview build

Silent Lib

Shared library for SilentChaos512's mods.

Silent Mine by Pyro

Adds mobs and blocks from Silent Hill

Silent Spawner by Goodvise

Mod allows you to avoid huge lago farms based on mob spawners.

Silent's Gems by SilentChaos512

When diamonds won't cut it.

Silent's Gems - TiC

Tinkers Construct support for Silent's Gems

SilentBoss by LX_Gaming

Silence the bosses Patreon - Source -

Silicio by LatvianModder

Silicon Mod by dlevack

A mod to add silicon to minecraft.

Silimatics by WireSegal, Eladkay

Lenses for your face.

Silk Chest by Focamacho

Collect chests with items using silk touch.

Silk Spawners by SuperJedi224

Silk touch spawners.

Silk Spawners by themodpackmaker,micahlaster98~EvilNotchTeam && Choonster~VariousAssists

Makes Spawners Drop With Silk Touch Supports NEI, AoA, DivineRPG

SilkCore by TheSilkMiner

Mod required to run all TheSilkMiner's Mods

SilkMaps - Core by TheSilkMiner
