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Mod Bio Code by FurtiTwo, MCreator

Mod Bruh by jlgan, MCreator

Mod Checker by GameGunner5

Client mod checker for servers.

Mod Chungus by Kahoot_Vult, MCreator

Mod Control by lumien

A small server mod that allows you to blacklist/whitelist the mods users are allowed to use.

Mod Debug World Type by Darkhax

Adds modids to debug mode.

Mod Downloader by KewaiiGamer

This most will create a config where you can write the url for the mods you want to download when the game starts

Mod Dream Craft by DreamMasterXXL

Core mod for the DCraft pack.

Mod FeedTheMichel by MrBenji285

Mod ajoutant une monnaie, le FTMCoin, qui peut être échangé contre des items.

Mod Info Finder by Horfius

A simple idea I had and made, enjoy! If you have ideas or things you'd want to see from these files, but don't, please leave a message on the thread!

Mod Info Lister by noahc3

Tool for modpack creators. Exports mod information such as names, versions, authors, etc to a CSV file in ./ModInfoLister/modlist.csv

Mod Inspector by mike

Extracts various game data.

Mod List Dumper by UntouchedWagons

Writes the list of installed mods to the standard output.

Mod Lister by Vazkii

A mod that lists mod. Whenever you load the game, this mod creates a file with the mods you have loaded and info about them,