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Minor Alchemy by Guff1118

A small but very powerful mod that allows users to perform alchemy and modders to give their items custom values!

Minor Integration and Additions by Main developer - Sokyran, Icon artist - Quilveor

This mod add small integrations between existing mods as well as minor additions to them.

Mint by JMD

MinuMod by MinuMod


Minuma by Kahoot_Vult, MCreator

A better way to get Slimeballs!

MionCore by Stefan Wimmer

Provides useful functions

MirabilisTools by kazpin38, MCreator

Mirage by Yeregorix

The best solution against xray users

Mirage by Elucent, unascribed, Falkreon

Effects and lighting library.

Mirage Crops by Mirrg Rian

It provides some strange crops.

Mirage Orb by bright_spark

A Minecraft mod that adds the Mirage Orb


This is a mod based off of the anime Mirai Nikki, which i do not own any assests of Mirai Nikki.

Miratop by TheSpyGorillas, MCreator

Top your MInecraft

Mirconium Mod by TheSun28

Mirror by Katrix, Arekkuusu

A rendering library with lot's of fancy effects.

Mirror Core by Trychen

MirrorResource by Trychen